Publishing Update

Readers may have noticed a relative lack of activity on this website in recent weeks, an omission for which I apologise.

The reason behind this is that I have been involved in a good deal of work in preparing and launching a new flagship publication, one which will carry the bulk of my output henceforward.

This will take place in collaboration with the team at HindeSight Letters – an offshoot of the well-respected Hinde Capital. Those who wish to continue to receive the sort of in-depth analysis presented here, but now on a regular monthly basis, are invited to take a look at the newsletter, details of which can be found by following the link to:- ‘Money, Macro & Markets’

In the near future, HindeSight will also be publishing a more condensed, weekly update which will aim to add a brief commentary on salient data and market developments as they arise. Details will be forthcoming shortly.

In light of this, the blog here will carry much briefer, ad hoc articles from now on – essentially those for which a tweet is perhaps too short – as well as announcements of updates to the Hinde pages.

I hope I can count on your continued interest under the new regime.

Many Thanks,



Midweek Macro Musings

Here we present one of a series of brief runs-though of the salient events of the past week or so. A more detailed treatment of these and other issues is intended to be released on a monthly schedule, starting in early May. Today, the focus is on the US.

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Global M

As part of our analytical process, we frequently consult our proprietary estimate of global money supply, something we construct by combining the individual measures for 15 countries (strictly 33, since we include the euro as one of them) which together account for almost three-quarters of global output.

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What’s in a Word?

After yet another masterly performance before Congress – one which was immediately confounded by the usual cacophony of cross-talk from the Pigeons and Doves (no Hawks!) among her colleagues – Madame Yellen has left no-one really the wiser as to what the all-things-to-all-men Federal Reserve thinks it is actually doing with regard to monetary policy.

Is she ‘patient’ or not? And is ‘patient’ a nudge-nudge, wink-wink code for a period stretching beyond the next few FOMC meetings or is it just a tacit admission that the Fed will start checking its parachute harness only after the plane’s engines have at last caught fire?

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